On Mon, 2010-01-04 at 13:29 -0600, Josh Patten wrote:

> I guess now that the holidays are over with it's time to start getting 
> back in the swing of things and one thing I think all of us want to see 
> is better documentation.

I've been waiting until people were back from the holidays to take up
this thread again.  For my earlier post on this see:


I have a conversion program that will do a first-order migration of the
existing mediawiki content into a space in wiki.sipfoundry.org.  The
resulting pages usually require just a little manual tweaking to be good
Confluence content.  I'm hoping that we can spread that effort around.

Before I start that, I'd like to hear some discussion of how the user
documentation in the new wiki should be organized.  One of the very nice
features of Confluence is that there's hierarchy to the pages - each
page has a parent, and siblings are ordered.  The theme I've installed
makes that tree visible on the left side, with the usual ability to
expose or hide branches at each level (the default width of that tree
display is pretty wide, but you can narrow it by dragging the border
between the left side nav panel and the main content area, or by
clicking on a small windowpane icon near the top right of the page).

As we clean up and update migrated content pages and move them into the
new documentation, it would be good to already have at least a notion of
what the top level sections should be in that hierarchy.  I'm thinkging
something along the lines of (a grossly incomplete list):

- Network Infrastructure
  (DNS, DHCP, QoS, PoE)
- Users and Internal Call Routing
- PSTN Connectivity

... but what I really want to know is what existing administrators
think.   What are your top level section suggestions?

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