Thanks for the reply!
> If you are using sipXbridge to connect to your ITSP, then you should
> turn off the 'Internet calling' checkbox - it is for configuring an
> external SBC (we're trying to work out a clearer set of configuration
> screens for all this).
That's the primary data point I was after.
> It's hard to guess what the right thing to do is, since you have not
> described your configuration.
Its hard to guess what should and shouldn't work before diving in and burning
days trying it every possible way. My configuration is going to be whatever
works with sipXecs. I'm looking for a general warm fuzzy that its possible to
run with a simple NAT firewall (no specific SIP support) using an ITSP trunk
and external users (softphones that may themselves be behind a NAT, or not) at
the same time. If that's not something anyone's ever tried, I'll give it a try
and report back. If you tell me this shouldn't work I won't burn time trying to
make it work (probably).
I am not asking for any detailed help debugging a specific configuration or
issue (yet :) ) -- I'm trying to formulate a configuration and locate the
appropriate docs/cheat sheets that has the best likely hood of success before
wasting weeks beating my head on a setup that has no chance of success.
> Those two statements don't seem to go together...
> 'roughly working' ~= 'roughly not working'
Roughly working means basic SIP/RTSP works perfectly and w/o issue unless
sipXecs is involved. Raw polycoms and a mac soft phone (Google's Telephone for
OSX which is pjsua based) can make and receive calls via an external ITSP
( where the ITSP and the phones are configured to assume no NAT and the
firewall's SIP modules are loaded. The phones and ITSP also interoperate fine
in their 'nat aware' modes with the SIP support turned off in the firewalls.
I have an ITSP trunk to working in both directions (with and w/o SIP
support enabled in the firewall).
> In general, I strongly suggest that people _not_ use any other "SIP
> aware" firewall features. Experience suggests that they do more harm
> than good.
Agreed wholeheartedly.
I'll try working up a configuration leaving SIP support off in the firewall,
and using both of the guides below. The book doesn't cover users outside the
firewall at all as far as I can tell (if it does, where is it?). I would very
much like to keep the firewall's SIP handling completely out of the picture
obviously and have all the traffic to/from external SIP users (as well as the
ITSP) go via the internal SBC.
Thanks again,
-Eric Varsanyi
Current configuration: SVN 17748 on FC12, Polycom 650's and 335's on 3.2.2,
Patton FXO and FXS bridges, works with simple old school Cisco NAT on an
ancient 6500 chassis, and with Linux 2.6/iptables with and without the SIP NAT
modules loaded.
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