Someone earlier asked about inbound dedicated to a conference bridge in sipx.

It was suggested to create a user, have the inbound go to that user, and FWD the user to the conference extension.

depending on your setup.. you might not need to do that.

I created a conference with the 'extension' being the phone number of the DID number (in the case, I needed the 1 first for some reason, wish I could strip it off)

then, bingo. all inbound calls to that number go right to the conference bridge.

(in my dial plan, this won't work though.. my dialplan has 4 digit extentions that start with '1', and we don't dial a 9 or a 1 for outbound)

so, the inbound DID is 1561xxxxxxx

I put that number as the extension for the conference, and any call to that (externally) goes to that conference.

(internally, 1561 tries to dial extension 1561)

so, if I could strip off the 1 in the inbound 'From', (or as someone suggested, create a phantom user) I am fine.

for anyone else that doesn't timeout after 4 digits that start with 1, you can just put the DID number in as extension.

anyone want to try, they can email me privately in the next 4 hours and I'll give you the DID number and conference code.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
Phone: 561-999-5000, x 1259
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