Josh Patten
Assistant Network Administrator
Brazos County IT Dept.
(979) 361-4676

On 2/25/2010 1:38 PM, wrote:
> In case someone else needs to know, the option to configure this is
> FXONumberOfRings
> Just set it very high. Once I managed to find a thorough manual, it
> wasn't too hard to find that setting.
> On 2/24/2010 9:53 PM, wrote:
>> Thanks. That was right in front of my face...
>> It doesn't seem to have the exact desired affect though. Now, after 2
>> rings, inbound calls on the PSTN line are answered and transferred to
>> a dial tone. Am I missing something? Is there something else I should do?
>> On 2/24/2010 6:33 PM, Nathaniel Watkins wrote:
>>> Under protocol configuration ->   Endpoint Settings ->   Automatic
>>> Dialing ->   set Auto Dial Status to disable.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 6:19 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [sipx-users] Best way to prevent Audiocodes MP114 FXO from
>>> answering
>>> I have an Audiocodes MP 114 FXO for emergency calls only if the SIP
>>> trunk is down. It is sharing the line with a fax machine, so I want
>>> to set it to never answer inbound calls. It is for outbound only. I
>>> don't see a way to do this. I have no idea what many of the terms
>>> mean (mostly because Sipx does such a nice job configuring the device
>>> for me). I'm running firmware 5.4. Anyone know a simple way to tell
>>> it to never answer? I didn't define any PSTN lines, but inbound calls
>>> are still answered and sent to the operator. I'm using Sipx 4.0.4 if
>>> that is relevant.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Matthew
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