> Hi,
> We use sipxecs 4.0.4 and it is not behind NAT. Nat Traversal 
> feature for remote workers is enabled.
> I have some questions related with outbound proxy and 
> registration refresh time (registration expiration time).
> Questions related to outbound proxy.
> 1. How do i test that my server is working properly as an 
> outbound proxy server?

The proxy does not really have to do anything special to "be" an outbound proxy.
Configuring a phone to use your sipXecs as its outbound proxy ensures that the 
sipXecs proxy will always see dialog-forming requests originated by your 
phones.  When you have a deployment that includes remote NATed phones then we 
strongly recommend that *all* phones (not just remote phones) use sipXecs as 
their outbound proxy.  This is required to ensure that call flows such as call 
pickup work when involving remote workers.  If a phone can successfully invoke 
a call pickup to retrieve a call from a ringing remote NATed phone then the 
phone that invoked the call pickup has its outbound proxy properly configured.

> 2. What will happen if i leave empty Outbound proxy setting 
> on the phone? How the phone will work in this situation?

You will see failures when you try to do call pickup & call park involving 
remote NATed phones.  Things like registrations, basic calls, call transfers, 
music on hold, conference, paging, BLF, ..., will work without configuring an 
outbound proxy on the phone.

> 3. If Outbound proxy is left empty, then is it possible this 
> to cause disconnecting the phone just after every call?

No.  Can you elaborate on what it means to 'cause disconnecting the phone'?  
Does the phone drop the call without user intervention? Does it lose its 
registration? Does it reset?

> 4. If Outbound proxy is left empty, then is it possible this 
> to cause late registration refresh problem (phone disconects 
> after a call and reregister after some time again, but later 
> than Refresh time)?

No, that would be a bug on the phone's part.  The phone should be able to 
refresh its registration before it expires.  What kind of phone model and f/w 
version are we talking about here?

> Questions related to registration refresh time (registration 
> expiration time).
> 5. Which value is good to be set as Refresh time on the 
> phone? I know that default hardcoded minimum time is 300. 
> Does it make sence to put a lower value or a high value?

A hardcoded minimum of 300 is not enough.  Phone is expected to be able to go 
lower.  SipXecs will use refresh intervals as low as 180 seconds for remote 
workers.  The phone should go below that (90 seconds maybe)

> 6. Which values can prevent late registration refresh 
> problem? Lower values or higher values?

What setting are we talking about here and how is it being used by the phone?

> All these questions are related to following problem with one 
> of our hard phones behind NAT:
> When it receives a call, then it is disconnected from server, 
> but in server side i see it still registered. It looks to me 
> like a late refresh time problem.
> But i'm not sure of this..
> This problem appeared when we had set the refresh time to 
> 300s and outbound proxy was not set (left empty).
> We have set on this phone 180 seconds for registration 
> refresh, outbound proxy to be sipxecs ip address. It is 
> working right now and it seems like it does not disconnect 
> now after a call a received.
> Can this refresh time be a problem at some point?

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