On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 11:11 -0400, Mossman, Paul (Paul) wrote:
> Josh wrote:
> > Is there any way to disable the gravatar feature? Some of the 
> > default gravatars are not "fitting," to put it lightly, in a 
> > business environment and might be offensive to some users.
> There's no sipXecs configuration to disable Gravatars.
> But, that sounds like a reasonable enhancement.  (A single boolean
> checkbox "Disable Gravatars", available to admins only.)  Feel free to
> raise an Improvement JIRA.

Better yet - provide for configuring a different source for them.  If
the URL is left blank, then there are no gravatars, but you could also
reset it to point to a corporate server where the images would be more

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