Folks -

AudioCodes MP114 v5.6
Sipx 4.2
Polycom 550 devices working great, registered, all internal dialing working
Outbound through MP114 working fine.

Inbound calls through the MP114 is where it gets strange. I've configured
two of the lines using the defaults (yes, chose the right version in the
drop-down in the configs) going to operator (I've also tried directly to ext
200). I uploaded the INI, and I see in the MP114 through diagnostics section
that the current proxy state is OK.

On the calling phone (cell in this case), I hear two rings, followed by a
dial tone for 15 seconds, followed by a hangup at 33 seconds. At no time are
there any calls registered on the MP114 in the logs, and there are no
records of inbound calls, ditto for Sipx.

I've struggled for hours to get this inbound thing working, and I'm really
at a loss. Anyone able to lend a helping hand?

Many thanks in advance.
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