On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Michael Scheidell <scheid...@secnap.net> wrote:
> you got ATT? Verizon? Level3 trying to sell you enterprise SIP trunks?
> they want you to send to a different port? want to send to you on a
> different port?
> Got it nailed.


> (hint:  you don't use sipxbridge as your SBC.  they go an acme SBC in front
> of their servers.  just create an unmanaged gateway, put on the port you
> need to send to, and then in the sip account/gateway, use their SBC)

Because of the port swapping wonkyness of sipXbridge and non-standard
SIP message rewrite rules?

Definitely make notes here, i'm sure folks would like to get this resolved.

> I CAN'T SAY ENOUGH about the support from Level3.  they spent several days
> on this, running debugs, trying this, trying that, till it worked.
> More (including trying to find the right wiki to post this to) later.

heh, fair enough.  With any luck, wiki.sipfoundry.org starting tomorrow am.
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