On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Geoff Van Brunt <gvanbr...@dstgroup.com> wrote:
> I do however agree with you about the problems with that approach. One
> comment I would like to make in general about the project; there is no
> formal process for "who is responsible for what".

We're still reorganizing, but I agree.  I got volunteers for release
group and security groups


i still need to create a page for build group

> you
> (or a committee) could appoint someone to be the "project lead" of
> documentation. It would be their job every release to keep everything up
> to date. That approach would also let some non-developers contribute
> back to the project if they wished to...

IMHO, the group's responsibility is for keeping it organized and
useful, but not necessarily required to create missing content.  At
most organize a crowd-sourcing effort. Volunteers?

BTW: Our development group has agreed to documenting new features
before they can claim victory (i.e. scrum's definition of done)
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