On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Josh M. Patten <jpat...@co.brazos.tx.us> wrote:
> Regarding 4.3 LDAP, I just upgraded my test install to the latest 4.3 version 
> and blew away the database, starting fresh. I am still seeing the bind issue 
> I reported before where when a user is trying to log in with their AD 
> credentials sipXconfig, instead of searching for their account based on the 
> username they input and authenticating with the DN of the user found in the 
> search, is trying to bind as the user that is defined to perform the LDAP 
> lookups under LDAP/AD but is using the password the user entered.


Here is the patch you submitted to try to fix this and I think this
not right.  You're using the BIND creds. explicitly, right?  We need
to make an LDAP api call to check the params.getSecret() back to the
LDAP server if I understand this correctly.

         protected void additionalAuthenticationChecks(UserDetails userDetails,

UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication) {
             // passwords are checked in ldap layer
+            //make sure that LDAP bind password is rejected
+            LdapConnectionParams params = m_ldapManager.getConnectionParams();
+            if (ObjectUtils.equals(authentication.getCredentials(),
params.getSecret())) {
+                throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage(
+                        "Bad credentials"), userDetails.getUsername());
+            }
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