Some calls are coming into sipXecs with a low number (5 of less, sometimes 3 or 
less) hops remaining.

The ITSP says that the calls arrive at their switch that way.

Looking at the sipxtrace, it looks like the modular architecture of sipXecs 
"eats" a lot of hops (ITSP to sipXbridge, sipXbridge to sipXproxy, sipXproxy to 
sipXregistrar), causing the call to fail with "Too many hops."

Is there a way to cause the sipXecs system as a whole to only treat itself as 
one Hop (I hope that some other means of loop detection is in place?)

Alternately, is there some way for the sipXbridge to add a few extra hops to 
the incoming call to account for this?

 Mike Burden

Lynk Systems, Inc

 Phone: 616-532-4985<>

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