> 1.1 Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (assuming eth0
> is your Ethernet card) - ensure GATEWAY var is set
> 1.2 Check Default Gateway. route -n
> 2.1 edit /etc/hosts file - BE SURE to have the main fqdn (e.g.
> sipxecs-01.domain.com) as the first entry after the ip - then aliases
> after that (e.g. sipxecs-01)
> 2.2 edit /etc/sysconfig/network - ensure HOSTNAME(fqdn) and GATEWAY are
> BOTH set correctly


> 3.1 edit /etc/resolv.conf and update BOTH Search Domain and dns server ip's
> 3.2 edit dns zone file in /var/named/xxxxx.zone
> 4. edit /etc/dhcpd.conf file. Need to do this before restarting sipXecs
> services.
> 5. Restart network services using service network restart

Done. Logged back in using new IP.

> 6.1 In the web interface under 'Servers', change the expected Hostname and
> IP address of the Primary Server
> 6.2 Send all profiles and restart affected services.


> 7. You'll also need to regenerate and resend the phone profiles.

Skipped as it's a new server, no phones defined.

> 8. Edit DNS Forward and Reverse Zone Records on windows server if using
> Windows DNS
> 9. Edit tftp ip on DHCP Settings if using Windows DHCP
> 10. /System/Domain/ - edit OUT the old IP and edit IN the new IP into
> allowed SIP Domains for incoming calls


> 11. /System/Servers/ServerName/Configure/UNTick EVERYTHING/Apply/Restart
> all Services
> 12. /System/Servers/ServerName/Configure/Tick EVERYTHING/Apply/Restart all
> Services

I'm assuming you mean server roles? If so, cannot uncheck all, just goes back 
to checked each time.
If you mean the services, everything is unchecked by default.

> 13. /System/Servers/ServerName/NAT/Ensure all STUN/IP/Port information is
> correct

Everything appears correct at this point.

> 14. Restart Linux completely to be sure.


> 15. Check Service status

All good.

> 16. Check /Diagnostics/Configuration Tests Page - ALL TESTS

Here some tests fail because I didn't install some servers, don't need them all.

> 17. Check /Diagnostics/DNS Advisor/ - RUN

DNS Configuration SUCCESS

> 18. Make any required firewall changes to border firewall
> 19. Make any required NAT changes to border firewall


> 20. vi /etc/sipxpbx/sipxconfig-netif - and Edit the line
> "IpAddress=" to the new/correct ip

Ah, searching never revealed this, found the IP in here.

> 21. Edit both DHCP config and DNS zones as required to accommodate the
> moved IP
> 22. grep -r "" /etc/sipxpbx/
> (Where is the old ip - EXAMPLE ONLY)

Found several more wrong IPs.

# grep -r "" /etc/sipxpbx/
# grep -r "" /etc/sipxpbx/
/etc/sipxpbx/forwardingrules.xml:    <routeFrom></routeFrom>
/etc/sipxpbx/forwardingrules.xml:    <routeFrom></routeFrom>
/etc/sipxpbx/domain-config:SIP_DOMAIN_ALIASES : sx.companions.com
/etc/sipxpbx/mappingrules.xml:    <hostPattern></hostPattern>

Changed these and rebooted. Still seeing old IP info in there.

# grep -r "" /var/lib/
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16384/16406 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16384/16395 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16980 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16808 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16997 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16806 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/000000010000000000000000 matches

# grep -r "" /var/lib/
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16384/16406 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16980 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16808 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16997 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/16467/16806 matches
Binary file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_xlog/000000010000000000000000 matches

# grep -r "" /etc/sipxpbx/
# grep -r "" /etc/sipxpbx/

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