>>> Jean-Hugues Royer <> 01/19/11 10:44 AM >>>
    Through our partnership with eZuce, we are pleased to announce the    new 
version 1.4.4 of Voice Operator Panel (VOP) which has been    focused on 
sipXecs XMPP integration.
    We added XMPP support to bring user presence, messaging and file    
transfer to our application.
    . Step by step configuration tutorial for sipXecs.
      We created a tutorial to show you how to set up a dedicated user    
account for our application.
      You will learn how to populate your sipXecs users in our    application 
through different methods and how to enable phone    presence for them.
      You will also learn how to configure XMPP to offer user presence,    
messaging and file transfer with sipXecs.
      This tutorial is available here: SipXecs Tutorial
      This tutorial is followed by the XMPP configuration tutorial    available 
here: SipXecs XMPP      Tutorial
     . VOP shows the presence status of users.
       You can see the presence status (and note) of a user by looking    at 
his XMPP contact icon and text.
       When a user is online his name turns to bold.
       You can also display at the same time the phone presence icon and    the 
user presence icon next to each user name by checking: Settings    > Account > 
Show user presence icon.
     . VOP receives and sends messages from/to users.
       You can send instant messages to a user by right-clicking on him    (or 
his XMPP contact) and selecting "Send Message".
       While you are in the message window you can see when the remote    user 
using is typing, closing or minimizing his chat window.
       You can also see when the remote user is changing his presence    status 
and note.
     . VOP receives and sends files from/to users.
       You can transfer files through the sipXecs XMPP server between    users. 
(the file transfer will always succeed even if both users are    behind a 
       While you are in a message window you can click on the up arrow    icon 
to select a file and send it to the remote user.
       When a user sends you a file you receive a notification message    and 
you can accept the transfer or refuse it.
     . VOP imports users information through XMPP.
       When you add a XMPP contact to a user, the application will    retrieve 
the user picture from the sipXecs server.
       The application can also retrieve all the personal information of    the 
users at sipXecs by checking: Settings > XMPP > Import    information from XMPP 
     . VOP offers telephony control over XMPP using MyBuddy.
       MyBuddy is a XMPP bot running at the sipXecs server which lets    you 
control your telephony through XMPP messages.
       You can manage your conferences, listen or pick up people calls    
leaving you messages on your voicemail, browse call history, missed    calls 
and more.
       The bot will also notify/message you when someone joins or leaves    one 
of your conferences or when someone is leaving you a voicemail.    
       To use these features you just need to add a new user called "My    
Buddy" and add him the XMPP contact "".    (replace by your sipXecs domain name)
       Once done you will be able to send him a message using    right-click 
then "Send Message", send the command "help" to get the    full list of 
available commands.
    We will keep optimizing our integration with sipXecs in our next    
versions, for example you will be able to automatically    configure/deploy VOP 
from sipXecs as a known/supported phone device.
    Right now you can evaluate this new version from the direct link    here: 
VOP 1.4.4 Trial      Version
    Don't also forget to check our FAQ page which contains    a lot of very 
useful information for beginners and experienced    users.
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