Good afternoon,

SipXecs seems to chew up a lot of "Max Forwards" when bouncing the call from 
the bridge to the proxy to the registrar, and then back and forth between the 
proxy and the registrar while it resolves aliases.   This sometimes leads to 
"too many hops", causing some inbound calls to fail.

Is it possible to configure the sipXproxy to add some number N to the Max 
Forwards when a call is received, to make sure that there are always enough 
forwards left to allow the system to handle the call?

Alternately, should the sipxproxy/sipxbridge/sipxregistrar count as one hop, 
since they are all on the same server (obviously, this may require some other 
form of loop detection.)

I opened a JIRA issue about this back in November, and asked about this issue 
here back in December, but the JIRA issue is still marked as "NEW/UNRESOLVED", 
and I still don't have a way to make this work.

 Mike Burden

Lynk Systems, Inc


 Phone: 616-532-4985

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