Need answer for two reasons:
#1, I can't get my linksys pap's to use the caller id in the sipx user config. (it uses the 'userid' instead). only way to get it to change its caller id is to change the caller id on the trunk.

#2, getting ready to switch to level3's els trunking from eipt trunking (anyone googling for archives: DON'T LET LEVEL3 SELL YOU EIPT TRUNKING, insist on els trunking, EIPT won't work behind a SBC.. they set max-forwards to 10 and worse things.. don't let them do it)

level3 wants to know where we deliver outbound caller id, 'from:' , 'remote party id' or 'preferred asserted identify'

(I am guessing PAID?, not RPID?)

and is this consistent with forwarded calls also?

Michael Scheidell, CTO
o: 561-999-5000
d: 561-948-2259
ISN: 1259*1300
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