On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Tony Graziano
<tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net> wrote:
> I had planned that. What I didn't understand is why none of the logging
> components failed to capture the issue and why there was a reported
> "ConfigurationMismatch".
> While everything reported properly in services, the fact that the
> PresenceServer had a log of "0" bytes make me think it was not running, yet
> sipxconfig UI reported it was. To me, it looks like a bug. "How" I got to
> this version is questionable, and I can easily correct with a rebuild. Am I
> overly concerned with service reported running when it probably is not
> though?

It's a good point. If someone see's it again, maybe i'll be inspired
to investigate.  Internals of supervisor code is not straightforward
to me to have a good idea of the issue.
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