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Organization: SipXecs Forum
X-FUDforum: 08063afcdd00a6e76393c5b9527381e8 <62188>
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I have a large sipX installation, 600+ users, all with
Polycom phones.  Recently, several users have reported
hearing "phantom rings" during a call.  After the call is
established, the internal user hears a faint ringing in the
background.  It's mostly been reported during incoming PSTN
calls, but I had one report of an internal call experiencing
the same thing.

It is not the call waiting beep, but an actual ring. 
Unfortunately none of my tech staff have ever experienced
this first hand, or been able to recreate the ringing.

Just curious if anyone else has ever seen this happen


Mike Graham
Director of Information Technology
Hempfield School District

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