what the trace does not show is if any of your accounts/subaccounts
are registered to the same pop with the provider. (i.e. more than one
registration to the same pop from the same sipx system).

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Tim Ingalls <t...@sharedcom.net> wrote:
> Hi. I wonder if anyone has seen this. I have a voip.ms account with a few
> sub-accounts. I am using sipxecs 4.4. I have the voip.ms NAT setting for the
> sub-accounts set for "yes" and I have ports 5060 and 5080 forwarded to the
> same (symmetrical) ports on my sipXecs server. All of the sipxbridge gateway
> settings for this SIP trunk are the defaults except for the choice of
> registration server.
> What happens is that after several hours, usually overnight, the voip.ms
> portal still shows that I am registered, but I cannot pass any calls. I get
> a 403 Forbidden message back and hear a fast busy. I have tried lots of
> different settings, but the only thing that seems to solve things is to
> switch the voip.ms portal's NAT setting to "no," wait a minute, switch it
> back to "yes," and then restart my sipXecs services to re-register. I have
> to do that every day.
> If I put the the voip.ms NAT setting to "no" I cannot register.
> On the Internet Calling > NAT traversal page I have both check-boxes
> checked. What is frustrating is that I cannot change something and
> immediately test it. I have to wait overnight to see if I have the same
> problem in the morning. I am attaching two sipviewer trace files. One is of
> a call to the 4443 echo test that fails, and the other is of the same call
> that succeeds after toggling the NAT from yes to no to yes.
> Does anyone have a clue on this one?
> --
> Thanks,
> Tim Ingalls
> Shared Communications, Inc.
> 801-618-2102 Office
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