Thanks Tony. I'll give that a shot. We'll see how it works tomorrow morning.


Tim Ingalls
Shared Communications, Inc.
801-618-2102 Office

On 01/25/2012 12:05 AM, Tony Graziano wrote:
> what the trace does not show is if any of your accounts/subaccounts
> are registered to the same pop with the provider. (i.e. more than one
> registration to the same pop from the same sipx system).
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Tim Ingalls<>  wrote:
>> Hi. I wonder if anyone has seen this. I have a account with a few
>> sub-accounts. I am using sipxecs 4.4. I have the NAT setting for the
>> sub-accounts set for "yes" and I have ports 5060 and 5080 forwarded to the
>> same (symmetrical) ports on my sipXecs server. All of the sipxbridge gateway
>> settings for this SIP trunk are the defaults except for the choice of
>> registration server.
>> What happens is that after several hours, usually overnight, the
>> portal still shows that I am registered, but I cannot pass any calls. I get
>> a 403 Forbidden message back and hear a fast busy. I have tried lots of
>> different settings, but the only thing that seems to solve things is to
>> switch the portal's NAT setting to "no," wait a minute, switch it
>> back to "yes," and then restart my sipXecs services to re-register. I have
>> to do that every day.
>> If I put the the NAT setting to "no" I cannot register.
>> On the Internet Calling>  NAT traversal page I have both check-boxes
>> checked. What is frustrating is that I cannot change something and
>> immediately test it. I have to wait overnight to see if I have the same
>> problem in the morning. I am attaching two sipviewer trace files. One is of
>> a call to the 4443 echo test that fails, and the other is of the same call
>> that succeeds after toggling the NAT from yes to no to yes.
>> Does anyone have a clue on this one?
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Tim Ingalls
>> Shared Communications, Inc.
>> 801-618-2102 Office
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