On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:30 PM, Nate <nba...@procaresystems.com> wrote:
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> Organization: SipXecs Forum
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> Tim Ingalls wrote on Fri, 17 February 2012 14:05
>> -Training and docs as well as support are available very
>> similar to e.g. Cisco as mentioned below, but as part of
>> the commercial edition
>> OK. But consider the fact that organic growth can be
>> fueled by the open-source version. You will never get
>> certain customers, because they don't need you. But in
>> great numbers, they can provide market assurance that your
>> solution rocks. The closer you get to mass adoption, the
>> greater the perception that your commercial offerings
>> rock. But you won't get to mass adoption (like Asterisk
>> and it's variants have achieved) if
>> nerdy-but-not-that-nerdy people like me can't understand
>> quickly how to deploy sipXecs with ITSP SIP trunking. So
>> it furthers your goals to make all of that documentation
>> public. Great documentation = great mindshare.
> I tend to agree with Tim, and was going to post almost the
> same thing, but he said it better than I would have.  Would
> eZuce be losing customers by making their BASIC
> documentation available to the community?  If yes, then is
> there a way for SMBs or startups to purchase access to their
> documentation?
eZuce created their own documentation independent of sipfoundry (which
they prop up financially, etc.). eZuce has also stated the difference
between the commercial and open source version of sipx and
documentation is among their differences. EVERYTHING really needed to
install, operate/use and troubleshoot is in the wiki with the
exception of new features in the dev version. I have never had the
need to provide documentation other than the stuff I produce
internally for users (and it is sufficient for the user base I have).

THAT"s the organic aspect of Open Source.

There are a lot of firms that end up closing off an open source
project because it is picked clean by vultures and I would never
recommend that course of action lest sipfoundry lose its corporate
sponsorship. sipXecs INTENDS to be a different beast because it DOES
NOT anchor the media in most cases. It is scalable beyond comparison
with anything the poster has compared it to. Embrace the differences
if the differences matter to your market segment. Asking eZuce to give
more of their work away for free is what kills a project.

I don't speak for eZuce, but after the scathing comments the POSTER
made, it's clear he needs get over himself.

> Tony Graziano wrote on Fri, 17 February 2012 14:15
>> I don't think any of the responses to you have been
>> unprofessional,
>> that was uncalled for.
>> I'll encourage anyone reading this thread to ignore the
>> poster until
>> (if) he musters up some civility.
> I'm sorry but I was also thinking the comment was offensive
> and unprofessional.  Although I'm very impressed that the
> CEO is active on a discussion such as this, I would not
> expect to hear a comment like that.
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