On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:15 AM, Todd Hodgen <thod...@frontier.com> wrote:
> Douglas – will there be any published results for Hackfest?

A lot of the guys are visiting US for a while, but I can give you some
info i gathered. This is all work that will go into 4.6

Da Gangstas!
* We've worked thru the homer integration steps and don't expect any
surprises capturing that in rpm installation and system integration
(cfengine) scripts.
* We HEPv3 packets (wrapped by zeromq) sender integrated into sipXecs stack
* We have a HEPv3 capture server written that processes the HEPvs
packets and parses them ready to writing to DB
* We have start on DW writer for capture server

* We think this will be a much better approach for capturing CSEs
(data for generating CDRs) then whats in 4.6 and has potential to
replace that. Not sure yet.
* Developed a multipurpose server that creates a HA distributed network queue.

Night Losers
* Option to save voicemail saving to MP3 working.
* Still need to review production readiness

* OpenACD v2 integrated which means OpenACD reads/write to MongoDB
directly. This dramatically simplifies things development and reduces
the increases stability.
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