No not anymore. The new SBC has 2 interfaces one facing SIPX and the other
is facing ITSP
[] On Behalf Of Tony Graziano
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:54 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Signaling issues on new install
Your environment in an all gateway environment because your SBC has only one
interface. It has nothing to do with the original post.
On Mar 14, 2012 8:27 PM, "S.K.- G" <> wrote:
We are experiencing similar problems, started after the phone registration
were moved to an external SBC(ACME 3820),,,,,,,,,,,.
We were working on changing our deployment by updating our core network
design, just completed the change this morning, our call flow became:
Polycom >> SIPX>> SBC>> ITSP .. All Polycom registration are done through
the SBC..
We are having the following issues:
1.       The MWI stopped to update itself.
2.       The MOH has also stopped to play .
3.       The caller ID setting on the "unmanaged Gateway" that is supposed
to override the users CLID is not taking in place and not working .. Also
the CLID is showing the extension number no matter what the setting was on
the extension caller ID settings.
4.       The call forwarding is still OK ; however, the attended AND
Unattended transfer failed to work.
Obviously, This external registration of the polycom phones has severely
affected other features and ACME support are asking us to resolve our SIPX
issues ..I know I need to support my findings with Traces but will do so
after our firewall is deployed in place ;).
Is there by chance a way to treat ACME 3820 as a "MANAGED" gateway?  Can we
use ACME 1000 for it?
Saad Khankan
[] On Behalf Of Tony Graziano
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:57 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Signaling issues on new install
With other SBC's, it holds the refer locally and negotiates between the two
(UA and ITSP), and thats what the Acme needs to do in this case. The UA
(phone) knows how to handle REFER, and if sipxbridge is handling the
trunking or remote users, it also holds the refer and doesn't transmit it to
the provider.
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 6:22 AM, Emilio Panighetti <> wrote:

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Thanks for getting back to me.

The SBC is an Acme Packet. The way we have it set up; in
relation to sipXecs is as follows:

The SBC has 'access'; 'peer' and 'core' realms.

When an IP phone registers; it does it through the 'access'
realm; which performs NAT traversal and routes the call to
sipXecs via its core realm. sipXecs sees the device as not
behind NAT.

When calling voicemail or conference bridge on sipXecs;
there is only one session going from the IP phone though the
SBC to sipXecs.

When I dial a PSTN number; the call has the same flow as
above except that sipXecs proxies the INVITE to the SBC on
its 'peer' realm. The SBC in turn transparently delivers the
call to the appropriate PSTN trunk.
sipXecs sees the peer realm as a gateway; as in there are no

The SBC is configured to anchor media from the IP phone to
sipXecs, but it doesn't anchor media on the peer realm.

So let's say we have a call established as:

IP Phone -> [SBC access] -> [SBC core] -> sipXecss -> [SBC
peer] -> SIP Trunk provider

media is anchored at the SBC: The IP phone sees [SBC access]
media address and everything else after that sees media
coming from [SBC core]. Both of these are routable IPs; so
this suits the needs.

Now the IP phone initiates an unattended transfer to another
PSTN number.

the REFER shows the same path as above; but [SBC peer] is
configured to reject the REFER because [SIP Trunk provider]
does not allow the REFER method; so the REFER cannot be
completed. My expectation; after using other software like
FreeSHITCH; was that sipXecs would consume the REFER and in
turn generate another INVITE towards PSTN number [SBC peer].
Seems I'm mistaken in my expectation here.

For MOH; what I, perhaps naively; though it would happen is
that if sipXecs receives a ReINVITE originated from the IP
phone where its SDP contains 'a=sendonly'; it would ReINVITE
the PSTN leg to its IVR which is playing MOH. Once the IP
phone sends another ReINVITE with 'a=sendrecv'; sipXecs then
forwards that SDP so its IVR in no longer on the call.

my questions in regards to sipXecs is what is the expected
behavior in this case when it receives a REFER or the
On-hold signal from the IP phone.

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