On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Joe Micciche <jmicc...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> > We are experiencing similar problems, started after the phone
> > registration were moved to an external SBC(ACME 3820),,,,,,,,,,,.
> > We were working on changing our deployment by updating our core
> > network design, just completed the change this morning, our call
> > flow became: Polycom >> SIPX>> SBC>> ITSP .. All Polycom
> > registration are done through the SBC..
> Wouldn't your callflow actually be:
> Polycom -> [outside realm] sbc [inside realm] -> sipX -> [inside
> realm] sbc [outside realm] -> ITSP?

Polycom [register>SBC>passthru to SIPX] ->sipxproxy to ->unamanaged gateway
being sbc <-->> media to phone negotiated by sbc, sipx is not anchoring it.

> > 1.       The MWI stopped to update itself. 2.       The MOH has
> > also stopped to play . 3.       The caller ID setting on the
> > "unmanaged Gateway" that is supposed to override the users CLID is
> > not taking in place and not working .. Also the CLID is showing the
> > extension number no matter what the setting was on the extension
> > caller ID settings. 4.       The call forwarding is still OK ;
> > however, the attended AND Unattended transfer failed to work.
> All of this should Just Work, as others have noted it may require a
> slight tweak to your sbc config handling REFERs. We are experiencing
> #2 above, but our users like it as they hate hold music.
> Regardless, more details would be helpful.
> > Is there by chance a way to treat ACME 3820 as a "MANAGED" gateway?
> > Can we use ACME 1000 for it?
> Is the APKT set as your default sbc for internet calling?
> - --
> ==================================================================
> Joe Micciche                            jmicc...@redhat.com
> Red Hat, Inc.                           http://www.redhat.com
> Senior Communications Engineer          X (81) 44554
> +1.919.754.4554                         Key: 65F90FE1
> ==================================================================
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