BTW, lesson learned.  If you enable Lynk, and you are using the TAPI
interface, it is disabled in Outlook by the Lync toolbar.     Part of their
extending of the feature set I presume.   Just another nice enhancement to
your Windoze experience.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kyle Haefner
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 2:09 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] FW: MS Lync and Exchange 2010

As I recall, with OCS at least, it was not so much a problem with their sip
implementation, but rather their proprietary RT audio codec.
 (I do remember an MS rep saying that SIP didn't have the requisite presence
capability so they extended it,without contributing anything
back of course).   I do find the name Lync, to be quite the oxymoron,
as it doesn't really "link" to anything but itself.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Todd Hodgen <> wrote:
> The biggest selling point of sipxecs is that it uses Open Standards.  
> Lync does not.
> Audiocodes and the Siperator both have a claim to do Lync integration as a
> mediating server between a PBX and Lync.   Probably a great place to
> Of course with Karoo now being open source, it might be a good candidate
> that mediation as well.   (wide grin to Joegen...)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Geoff Van 
> Brunt
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:46 AM
> To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] FW: MS Lync and Exchange 2010
> Couldn't agree more Tony. The cloud is the future, and SipX needs to 
> support these services to keep relevant.  Unified Communicaitons 
> really means all your communications software/hardware working 
> together. However it has only been that way if you use all 
> MS\Cisco\etc pieces. If SipX were to bridge this, it would be the sole
player able to do this making it very desirable.
> That would attract a lot of new business.
> There was some mention earlier that Lync was "competing technology". I 
> don't really agree with that. The great thing about SipX was that you 
> can use whatever hardware and software agents you want. You are not 
> "locked in" to something. It would be great if that was carried over to
services as well.
> Geoff Van Brunt
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tony 
> Graziano
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:19 PM
> To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] FW: MS Lync and Exchange 2010
> Certificates are perhaps a little more flexible in  4.6, but I know 
> there were workarounds in 4.4 for people who wanted to use a cert from 
> the AD server. I would have followed those threads. However, I do 
> think one of the forward looking things to do with sipx would be to 
> integrate to other cloud based platforms (whether it be O365, 
> GoogleApps, Zimbra, etc.). Zimbra would perhaps be easiest, but it is 
> also perhaps the least attractive in terms of its architecture (hp 
> OM), becuase of storage and backup and "regular old maintenance 
> routines). Google is least expensive and simpler for users, but there 
> are limitations in the guise of "what" Google will allow you to do 
> with their message stores, etc. I see it compelling to fix the address 
> book portal to bring in the users google contacts and harness it for 
> click to call, as simpler, cleaner, and less for the system (sipx) to 
> store or sync, it can be pulled in live. If gtalk can be harnessed to 
> mirror your sipx IM state, that goes a long way too. It would also be 
> cool to see if there was a way to use a vmail destination as a google
voice account for users. If these things can be done in O365 then super dee
> I've seen where sipx came from "way back when", where it is now, and 
> where it is going. The cloud is not the limit, its just the next layer.
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Geoff Van Brunt 
> <>
> wrote:
> That is pretty much what I gathered. I'm a lurker on this list for 
> quite a few years.
> It's going to take a couple of months for Office 365 to be put in 
> place, so I'll explore this more when everything is ready to go. At 
> the very least call forking so the desktop and Lync client ring at the 
> same time should be possible. This would also make it work on mobile
> I'll start a new thread on the dev list when I have the resources in
> Geoff Van Brunt
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tony 
> Graziano
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 4:11 PM
> To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] FW: MS Lync and Exchange 2010
> fyi - this has pretty much been discussed before, on-list and such a 
> few times as I recall.
> Realize at the same time these are two "competing" products.
> How MS handles both their sip stack (which is tcp only I think) and 
> how they handle authentication has changed several times (various ways 
> in various SP levels of the "same" product). The better way to ensure 
> interoperability would be to place a commercial SBC (which is known to 
> work with Lync too) in bewteen. At least, I think that is the shortcut 
> answer to get to the nirvana you might seek.
> Neither O365 nor Lync are exactly "open". Though I do understand why 
> someone would want to do what you are attempting.
> Until someone has a working Lync server to test with against sipx AND 
> provides details which will help either the devs or users craft a way 
> to make them work (or determine it is still impractical), I'm not sure 
> what can be accomplished.
> If there are issues with the certificate, it should be discussed. I 
> think the users list is a great place to start that discussion and 
> would look forward to it taking place.
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:11 PM, John Lightfoot <> wrote:
> Hey Geoff,
> I have an O365 E3 account I've tried to setup UM against.
> Haven't really looked at the Lync but I assume if you have the 
> telephony on Sipx, you might be able to dispense with Lync on premises 
> and keep it all in the cloud.  As for the UM, I'm trying with 4.6 and 
> have been unable to negotiate a TLS session (require for Exchange 
> online).  The client cert is requested from the Sipx but isn't being
properly provided in the handshake.
>  I suppose an issue needs to be created for it.  In any event, I'd be 
> happy to email or talk off-list and pass on what I've learned 
> (including some fun with Microsoft TAC).  My email should be publicly
> John Lightfoot
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Kyle Haefner, M.S.
Communication Systems Programmer
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
Phone: 970-491-1012

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