I recently moved sipx 4.4.0 off of an old dell 750 with 1gb ram. (it was crashing, corrupted the postgres db to the point of no return)

I put it on an old dell 750 with 1.5Gb ram.

the gui is SO MUCH MORE RESPONSIVE as to be unbelievable.

35 users (including virtual users)

18 phones.

Mem:   1555052k total,  1514728k used,    40324k free,   282008k buffers
Swap:  6289436k total,      608k used,  6288828k free,   418468k cached

Michael Scheidell, CTO
o: 561-999-5000
d: 561-948-2259
>*| *SECNAP Network Security Corporation

 * Best Mobile Solutions Product of 2011
 * Best Intrusion Prevention Product
 * Hot Company Finalist 2011
 * Best Email Security Product
 * Certified SNORT Integrator

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