Are you trying to page all 83 endpoints at the same time?...or what is your 
largest paging group.

Paging above 20 endpoints is flacky due to the multicast way sipx sends pages.  
Its just not reliable with large groups regardless of the firmware version.

We get around this by paging only one phone within an area.  When we need more 
coverage we use overhead paging gear/speakers.


>>> Bryan Anderson <> 11/30/12 11:41 AM >>>

We have an office of ~83 endpoints  all but one phone are Polycom SoundPoint IP 
331's, the receptions uses a 650 with 1 sidecar.

The firmware's are currently as shipped with a mix of firmwares 3.2.4 and 3.3.0 
(please lets avoid the downgrade if we can, both version are having this issue).
Every thing worked fine except paging.  Which in this office is a big thing.  
The problem is some pages worked and some didn't.  The pages that didn't what 
happened is a large group of the phones would start to receive the page with 
the notification tone, then just stop even though the page was still in 
progress.  The phones this occurred on changed with each of the pages that 
failed.  I am at a loss for identifying the problem due to the inconsistency of 
the failures.

My Questions are:

1) Has anyone else experience this and been able to resolve it,

2) Does any one else do a High volume of pages (30-50/day) and have this 
working.  If so, what equipment and sipx version are you using?
3) If it really is the 3.3.0 that's causing my problems, can it be downgraded 
without touching all of the 30 or so phones one by one?

We still have SipXecs in place but are still using the old key system tell this 
is working.

Bryan Anderson

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