This is kind of a useless email to send out to the mailing list.   Vent, but
personally, I'd prefer my email box not get filled with it.   This release
has been out there for the most part for about 6 months.  Everyone has had
the same opportunity to load it on a test system, and test their own method
of migration.  I've seen many do it, and leave comments.  I've successfully
migrated systems without significant issues.    As an open source product -
the Community is vital to assist in testing, validation, and cooperation to
make it a successful product.   


To the developers, thanks for your work on the project, it's appreciated by


BTW, I hear Shoretel is offering an end of year discount on


[] On Behalf Of Robert B
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:37 PM
Subject: [sipx-users] You guys didn't make 4.4 to 4.6 easy... good lord!


This should not be this difficult.

Disclaimer: I'm going to sound snarky and really pissed. It's how I vent
frustration. I apologize in advance.


1. My BIND backups that I restore get destroyed every time sipx restarts.
Real nice, gents, real nice...

2. Why does iptables keep turning back on every time sipx restarts?
    a. If SipX wants to be DNS, why on earth is port 53 blocked in the
default iptables configuration? Hello, MyFly...

3. After restoring my configuration from 4.4 to 4.6, I was also bitten by
the incorrect Superadmin PIN. Fortunately, I knew to use the reset-admin
from other posts.

4. Once my configuration is restored, what services do I need to re-enable?
The entire "Telephony Services" list is unchecked. Which do I need to have
what I had with 4.4? Boy howdy, these backups I was told to make sure are
proving useful...

5. It restored my Polycom firmware, but marked it as inactive. What the

6. Where can I monitor my registrations? That feature seems gone.

Did I maybe download the wrong installation ISO? I downloaded
"sipxecs-4.6.0-932.g00cded-x86_64.iso"... Is this the real GA release???

-- Robert

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