
Small notice about systemimager (next gen) development status.
Git tree is here: https://github.com/finley/SystemImager/tree/SystemImager-NG
This version is based on dracut to generate the initrd imager, on Plymouth for 
a graphical install console and http for remote management (the web interface 
replaces remote X11 display for si_monitortk and other graphical tools)

Current git tree have support for CentOS-6 to CentOS-8.0 (CentOS-8.1 soon 
(major changes in dracut-network)), openSUSE-42.3 and recent fedora (didn’t 
tested 32 and rawhide)

Current status of the imager:

  *   Plymouth console GUI doesn’t work anymore on CentOS-8.1 (SIGABRT). Need 
  *   Dracut initqueue/online hook that start the main imaging process is not 
triggered by new 35network-manager module in CentOS-8.1. Fix already in dracut 
git and reported to CentOS team. My build system is patched as a temporary work 
  *   Log dispatcher fails to display messages on console on CentOS-8.1: need 
  *   Need to test rsync over ssh (in get and push)
  *   Need to add reading ssh key from removable media
  *   After stable release: need to add more xmit plugin for image deployment 
like bittorent, nfs, …

Current status of the webgui:

  *   Systemimager parameter configuration works fine
  *   Systemimager diagnostic works fine
  *   Systemimager client listing works fine
  *   SystemImager client live console works but has big performances issues 
(need to migrate from web table to web grid objects)
  *   SystemImager DHCP editor need to be written
  *   SystemImager netbootmgr need to be written
  *   SystemImager cluster editor need to be written
  *   SystemImager web session need to be written
  *   SystemImager web image management need to be written (maybe released 
after 1st stable as the si_getimage is working)

Once I think we have a useable development version, I publish builds here:

For example, if you want to test CentOS-8 version: just do:
Rpm -Uvh 

Best regards,
Olivier LAHAYE
sisuite-devel mailing list

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