Hi every one,

I hope all of you are fine during this Covid crisis.

Development of the new SystemImager was not stopped, and after days of hacking, 
finding bugs in Plymouth and in distro packaging, I’ve finally succeeded in 
porting SystemImager (next gen) to CentOS-8.1 and to openSUSE-Leap 15.2)

There is still lot of work before final stable release, but this release is 
already functional (I use it to deploy my CentOS-8 OSCAR Cluster).

Reminder: this SystemImager supports:

  *   CentOS-6 to CentOS-8.1, openSUSE Leap 12.2 (maybe other openSUSE and most 
Fedora distros)
  *   UEFI Bios
  *   UEFI grub2 installation (clover and reFind not yet supported but hooks in 
code are present)
  *   All storage devices and filesystems supported by distro vendor
  *   Raid, lvm, raid+lvm, …
  *   No need for a main script (disk detection, partitioning, formatting, 
mounting, bootloader install, … is handled by SystemImager logic). Mainscript 
is still supported (if you want to setup a mountpoint, some nfs stuffs, or any 
other things not handled by SystemImager logic)
  *   Web console
  *   Imager graphical GUI based on plymouth
  *   …

Builds will be soon available here: 

Quick start guide here: 

Sorry, no up to date Debian/ubuntu packaging. SystemImager should be buildable 
for those distros provided dracut and dracut-network can be installed aside 
initramfs-tools (./configure; make install DESTDIR=/usr. WARNING, doing so will 
“pollute your system”, thouth other DESTDIR have not been tested and I doubt 
they are functional especially for web stuffs) but regarding packaging, a lot 
of work is still needed (mainly dependencies that needs to be backported)

Happy testing.

PS:  if you rebuild your initrd, the result will not work on openSUSE-15.2:

  *   dracut module 35network-legacy fails to run initqueue/online hook if 
network is brought up with dhcp: Imager fails in initqueue mainloop with 
timeout because online hook is never run.
  *   PlymouthGUI won’t show up on qemu / bochs / … due to a bad openSUSE patch 
that tries to manage DRM devices while it shouldn’t anymore.

Olivier LAHAYE
sisuite-devel mailing list

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