Thanks Steve.

Yes I should have also mentioned that I had also received a bunch(100s) of
"insmod : unresolved symbol n" messages before the mke2fs. If I check in the
 install script there is a :
 "modprobe  ext2
  modprobe  ext3"
To prove this I commented out these lines and attempted a boot from cd. Still bombs at the
 mount but no other messages. I then do a manual modprobe ext2/3 and yes lots of
 unresolved symbol messages and the mount still fails.
As you suggest I can modify linux.i386.config however how do I boot the new kernel without
making all the packages ? ie how can I just make the boot pkg ?


David K Livingstone
CN Signals and Communications
10229 127 Avenue floor 2
Edmonton, AB, T5E 0B9
Ph  : 780 472-3959 Fax : 780 472-3050

Steve Grandinetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2005/09/12 19:21
Please respond to sisuite-users

        Subject:        [Sisuite-users] Re: Smart Array 6i cciss not loading ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> Seth/Peter/Anyone !
> Unfortunately as you will note from muy first post I'm attempting to load
> RH EL 3 not 4  on
> the DL380 G4 so this will not solve my problem.
> I ran into problems when building 3.5.2  on RHEL3 and also when attempting
> to run si_prepareclient.
> I also have a installed base running off of 3.0.0 so I would like as
> little to change as possible.
> So back to trying to get 3.4.1 working on the DL380G4 ...
> I have attempted to force recognition of the driver by
> modifying the ./patches/linux.i386.config file such that
> I then remade all the packages(ie rpmbuild -ba
> /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/systemimager.spec).
> I then loaded the resultant boot pkg and made a bootable cd :
> - booting from the cd I eventually get the # prompt after the broadcast's
> fail(remmeber I normally
>   use a local.cfg from floppy).
> - at this point /dev/cciss/disc0/disc ... exists however a parted still
> results in a No such device ...
> - I then attempted to boot again using the same cd but this time also
> included a floppy with a
>   local.cfg on it(I had noted fromt he previous boot that the floppy is
> still referenced for local.cfg)
> - This time the local.cfg is read and the ping test is attempted to the
> image server.
>   - the ping tests fails but on the subsequent rsync the script is
> received.
>   - the script starts to runs and partially works :
>     - old partition table via parted is displayed
>     - new partitions are created(1-3 in my case)
>     - mke2fs  -f  /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 || shellout works
>     - tune2fs -L /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 works
>     - mkdir -p /a/ || shellout works
>     - mount /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 /a/ -t ext3 -o defaults || shellout
>     --> I get "failed: No such device"
>     - When I am in the shell after the failure I can manually run
> parted/mkde2fs/tune2fs successfully
>       but the mount will always fail with "No such device"
>   Ideas ????

I'm gonna guess that your ext3 filesystem module isn't being loaded
automatically, just as your cciss driver wasn't being loaded
automatically.  In your 'linux.i386.config' file, is "CONFIG_EXT3_FS=m"?

If so, try building that in statically (CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y), and then
boot the new kernel (you shouldn't have to rebuild all the packages).
See if that doesn't get you further.


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