I am using system imager on ubuntu 10.4.
I have installed the image server and client.
I can create the image and pull it onto the image server

When I try to image the test node that was the original source golden image
the following happens:

The client to be imaged gets the dhcp address from dhcpd running on the
image server
The kernel and the initrd are loaded.

Then it tries to bring the network up again, and get dhcpd to give an
address to lo???

       IP Address not set with pre-boot settings
       Listening on LPF/lo/<null>
       Sending on LPF/lo/<null>
       Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net
       DHCPDISCOVER on lo to port 67 interval 8

I don't understand why there is a problem here it should be using eth0
which has already successfully received dhcp address (needed to load kernel
and initrd)


Kamil Marcinkowski                   Westgrid System Administrator
ka...@ualberta.ca                     University of Alberta site
Tel.780 492-0354                       Research Computing Support
Fax.780 492-1729                      Academic ICT
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA     University of Alberta
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