Hi Olivier,

> This is wired and I'm using standard distro CentOS-6 which is said to be a 
> full RHEL-6 clone.

In theory yes, but it seems there are differences!!  I looked up the 
missing packages in the Red Hat Network (RHN):

> Don't you have the following packages? (they should be part of RHEL6)
> - gperf-3.0.3-9.1.el6.x86_64

gperf is in CentOS 6.3, but NOT in RHEL 6.3!

Strangely, Red Hat does have the source RPM in 
http://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/os/SRPMS/ but 
there are no binary RPMs from RHN.

> - glibc-static-2.12-1.80.el6_3.6.x86_64

glibc-static is in CentOS 6.3, but NOT in RHEL 5 or 6!

> - device-mapper-devel-1.02.74-10.el6_3.3.x86_64

device-mapper-devel is in CentOS 6.3, but NOT in RHEL 5 or 6!

Unfortunately these differences are *not* documented in 
http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.3.  I wonder if 
anyone can explain why CentOS decided to build these packages?

I assume that you *really* need these packages for SystemImager?  It 
would be better for RHEL6 sites if they could be omitted.

If we must install these packages on RHEL6, I propose that documentation 
should be written referring people to the RPM downloads from CentOS mirrors.


Ole Holm Nielsen
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

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