[3 items]

Pot growers portrayed as terror threat


By Jeff Stein

What were they smoking?

Federal, state and local officials carrying out a counter-terrorism drill in Northern California Wednesday played out a scenario in which local marijuana growers set off bombs and took over the Shasta Dam, the nation's second largest, to free an imprisoned comrade.

According to an account in the Redding (Calif.) Record Searchlight, the 12-hour drill was part of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Critical Infrastructure Crisis Response Exercise Program, begun in 2003. [see below]

"More than 250 people from more than 20 agencies took part," said Sheri Harral, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Reclamation, according to the paper.

Harral said the drill took 18 months to plan and cost the bureau alone $500,000. The other agencies covered their own costs.

The paper made only passing reference to the scenario's designation of pot growers as terrorist villians.

In the otherwise realistic mock-terror scenario, the marijuana growers' "red cell" set off bus and car bombs as distractions, took over the dam with three hostages, and then "threatened to flood the Sacramento River by rolling open the drum gates atop the dam," according to the paper.

No matter how worthwhile a drill, said marijuana legalization advocates, envisioning pot growers as a terrorist threat in laid-back Northern California was ridiculous.

"That was so stupid," said Dale Gieringer, head of the California chapter of NORML, the decades-old National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

"I don't know what inspired it," Gieringer told the Drug War Chronicle. "I can see the need to do better pat downs for air travelers to make sure they're not holding joints in their underpants, but this? It sounds like something some yahoo redneck county sheriff would dream up."

Harral did not return the Chronicle's call for comment and could not be immediately reached by SpyTalk.

In a confidential catalogue of terrorist threats, uncovered by Congressional Quarterly in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security did not include the region's marijuana growers.

In August, however, the Big Valley News in Madera, Calif reported that the federal High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program "has been studying the escalating violence associated with the growing of cannabis throughout California." [see below]

It said, "The increasing involvement of highly organized drug trafficking organizations protecting their investment or competing for territory and market share has elevated the dangers surrounding cannabis growing from 'pot users merely growing their stash' to...a 'marijuana war.'"


Practice makes safety:
        20 agencies coordinate for mock Shasta Dam attack


By Dylan Darling
November 17, 2010

Bomb blasts that blew apart a car and a bus at Shasta Dam were distractions to allow terrorists time to take hostages and control of the nation's second-largest dam.

Luckily for the north state the dramatic scenario Wednesday was part of a 12-hour terrorist drill at the dam and not real. The goal was to ensure local, state and federal agencies could respond to such a situation and reclaim the dam.

More than 250 people from more than 20 agencies took part, said Sheri Harral, Shasta Dam's spokeswoman for the Bureau of Reclamation.

"It's not just a couple of agencies," Harral said. "It's 20."

Led by the Bureau of Reclamation ­ the federal agency that oversees the massive concrete dam that creates Lake Shasta ­ medical, fire and police agencies responded to the mock terrorist attack. During the drill the dam, the roads leading to it and a pair of popular fishing boat ramps were closed.

Part of the Bureau's Critical Infrastructure Crisis Response Exercise Program, which started in 2003, the exercise was the first of its kind at the dam, Harral said. Similar drills took place at Utah's Flaming Gorge Dam in 2003, Washington's Grand Coulee Dam in 2005 and Hoover Dam on the Nevada-Arizona line in 2008. A similar drill is set for Folsom Dam next.

The federal government identified the six dams as possible terrorist targets.

Harral said the reclamation bureau's role in the drill took 18 months of planning and cost $500,000. The other agencies that helped in planning and performing the drill covered their own costs.

The Shasta Dam scenario began with the two mock bomb blasts followed by the "Red Cell" terrorist group taking over the dam in an effort to free one of their fellow marijuana growers from prison. Holding three people hostage, they threatened to flood the Sacramento River by rolling open the drum gates atop the dam. Those gates hold back the nearly full lake.

To show their seriousness in the drill, the Red Cell twice pretended to release water from the dam. Each of the dam's three drum gates can release up to 66,000 cubic feet per second when the dam is full ­ 198,000 cubic feet per second in all ­ while the river's channel can only handle 79,000 cubic feet per second, said Pete Lucero, reclamation bureau spokesman in Sacramento.

Such a terrorist attack could flood parts of Redding and the Central Valley.

"The river channel won't be able to handle the water coming out of (Shasta Dam's) gates," he said.

In the end the Shasta County SWAT team raided the dam and the hypothetical flood didn't happen.

"We had them go in, search for and neutralize the Red Cell," Lucero said.

While the drill offered the bureau a chance to see how its security at the dam would respond to such an attack, and the SWAT team the opportunity to test its skills in the field, Lucero said it also provided training for medics, firefighters and bomb squad members.

About 30 students studying to be firefighters played the role of the bus bomb blast victims, with tags telling medics their injuries.

Near the end of the drill late Wednesday afternoon, Lucero said everything went according to plan. He said it was too early to tell what changes, if any, might be made as a result of problems discovered during the drill.

"That we will know later on tonight and as we debrief it tomorrow," he said.


Marijuana: A Culture of Violence


Tuesday, 03 August 2010

California's Public Lands Are Threatened: Could parts of California's forests and other public lands be closed off to the public because they are too dangerous for people to use due to heavily armed Mexican drug cartel members? It is possible. Perhaps you are thinking "prove it!" Consider the following. Recently the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife posted signs warning visitors to Arizona's Buenas Aeries Wildlife Recreation Area to beware of armed drug smugglers and human traffickers. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said that "public use of the area is not prudent. The violence against law enforcement officers and U.S. citizens has increased in the past four months, further underscoring the need to keep the 80 miles of border land off-limits to Americans."i In 2007 a significant portion of Whiskeytown National Recreational Area in Northern California was closed for a short time to ensure visitor safety due to the possibility of an outstanding suspect armed with a shotgun who fled from a marijuana grow site.

Marijuana and Violence Are International Partners: Marijuana is the greatest revenue source for Mexican drug cartels. In 2007 marijuana earned the cartels $8.5 billion.ii The drug trade is so profitable that El Chapo Guzman head of the Sinaloa cartel was listed in Forbes Magazine as one of the world's billionaires in 2009.iii But Guzman isn't a businessman; he's a ruthless cartel leader who issued orders to his followers to use deadly force to protect their drugs when challenged by rivals or authorities.iv The Mexican cartels are at war with each other and with the Mexican Government. At least 23,000 people (in Mexico) have been killed in drug-related violence since December 2006.v Expectations are that the violence will eventually spill over into the U.S. There are some indications that this may already be occurring. California law enforcement needs to be prepared for increasing violence. Few people in Northern California can forget that marijuana growers shot a man and his 8 year old son while they were hunting in El Dorado County in November 2000.

California's Drug Cartels and Marijuana Violence: California produces more marijuana from outdoor grow locations than any other state and may grow more marijuana than Mexico.vi Nearly 80% of the grows are on public lands in this state and most are occupied by two or three illegal aliens. There were nearly 2,000 grows eradicated during 2009; it's possible that there were nearly 4,000 armed illegal aliens in the forests of this state last year. Nearly 90% of those arrested were from Michoacán Mexico. One news report said that the La Familia Michoacána (LFM) cartel employs 65,000 farmers growing marijuana in Michoacán.vii The LFM cartel may be the most violent and its associates may pose the greatest threat in California. Since 2004, the Central Valley California HIDTA has been studying the escalating violence associated with the growing of cannabis throughout California. The increasing involvement of highly organized drug trafficking organizations protecting their investment or competing for territory and market share has elevated the dangers surrounding cannabis growing from "pot users merely growing their stash" to what the National Geographic News called it (a) "Marijuana War Smolders on U.S. Public Lands.viii Cartels have hired and trained killers and gang members to ensure their territorial control. The cartel members have already demonstrated a capacity for wanton brutality and unspeakable viciousness in their battles with each other, the military and law enforcement in Mexico.

The Meaning for California: In addition to the human toll, marijuana growing damages forest lands. Estimates are that up to 77,697 acres (121 square miles) may be used to grow marijuana in this state. The environment is damaged in a multitude of ways and the costs to reclaim it range from $2,000 to $14,000 per acre. Marijuana is not a harmless organic plant as the proponents of legalization infer. Since 2007 the following are a few of the violent incents reported:

• 12 deaths associated with growing marijuana many of which were homicides of illegal Mexican aliens.

• Marijuana growers started seven (7) forest fires and one of the wildfires burned over 150 square miles of forests threatening homes and people.

• Over 50 different incidents where forest works, hikers and campers reported being frightened when they came upon marijuana growing operations

• 20 bodily assaults were reported during this period. Many other violent acts occurred that went unreported due to fear of reprisals.

• Law enforcement officers encountered armed and violent individuals on 5 different occasions; several of these involved exchanges of gunfire.

The 2010 outdoor marijuana eradication season began with a spate of violent incidents. The following recap is current of July 1st yet there are 4 months remaining in the growing season. The events included:

Ø April 27, 2010: A marijuana grower in Maricopa County was shot in the chest by another Hispanic male grower

Ø May 25, 2010; A marijuana growers body was found wrapped in black plastic alongside a road in Tuolumne County.

Ø June 29, 2010; Napa County Deputies were confronted by an armed suspect in remote marijuana grow site; the individual was shot and killed.

Ø June 29, 2010; A Mendocino County Deputy Sheriff was driving his vehicle following the eradication of 22,000 marijuana plants when someone shot out his rear window.

We can expect the violence in California to continue. It may in fact escalate when drug cartels vie for control of this billion dollar industry and scarce law enforcement resources will be hard-pressed to control it. This month, the members of the Nogales (AZ) Police Department are under death threats from Mexican drug cartels because they seized a large load of marijuana from smugglers while in a off-duty status. "The cartel's belief is that when officers are not in uniform, they should look away and not do their job."ix Several of the Mexican drug cartels already have a strong foothold in California. As the user base of marijuana increases, so does the profitability of growing and distributing the drug by criminal enterprises. California may be teetering on the edge of a new and darker era.

i Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans, www.FoxNews.com, 6-16-10

ii Stakes Rise as Drug War Threatens to Cross Border, http://www.cnn.com, May 18, 2009 iii Ibid iv Sinaloa Cartel May Resort to Deadly Force in U.S., Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2009

v Calderon calls on Mexicans to unite against drug gangs, www.latimes.com June 30, 2010 vi Marijuana Production in California, Central Valley California HIDTA Research Paper, June 4, 2010 vii Mexican Cartel Deals Drugs, Violence with Religious Fervor, by Tim Johnson, McClatchy Newspapers, June 22, 2010. viii www.nationalgeographic.com/news/pf/69453298.html

ix Quote by Nogales Police Department Chief of Police, Jeff Kirkham, Mexican drug cartel threatens Nogales police officers, www.kgun9.com, June 22, 2010


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