On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 21:17, d...@fifthhorseman.net said:

> Who controls keys.gnupg.net?  Werner?  Do you have plans to do any
> filtering like this?  It seems like it would be useful to have a pool
> that rejects hosts that at least admit to running versions with
> significant known bugs.

keys.gnupg.net is pretty new and I configure it manually.  I poll the
keyservers every hour or so to see whether they are still responding and
send a mail if they don't response.  Everything else is done by hand for
now.  Let me know a list of bad SKS vesions and I remove the,s.  Stats
are at http://keystats.gnupg.net .  I guess I hould subscribe to the SKS
list as the old keyserver folks list seems to be dead.

> I wouldn't be surprised if it gives people the general impression that
> gpg or enigmail or keyservers or OpenPGP are just flakey tools.  That

Definitely more stable than any public X.509 infrastructure includig
those which are required by the German tax law for checking qualified
signatures on invoices ;-).



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