
Am Donnerstag 09 September 2010, 06:33:13 schrieb Kiss Gabor (Bitman):
> > If deleted in legalese means
> >       Key is persistently not present on the server. Period.
> Do you think the police seizes your servers and search your disks
> bit by bit? :) "Deleted" in most cases is equal to "unretrievable".

Excuse me, but that's nonsense.
Protection of personal data means that an individual can control who has 
access to the data. That's the point. If the data is still stored in any 
database out there on the internet, the data is not under your control.

So if a server admin is willing to fit the data protecetion responsibility, 
it's pretty clear that the (personal) data has to be deleted on request. 

Perhaps making things unretrievable to the public is what some facebook-
mangled people call "deletion" but it surely is not enough to protect the data 
permanently against each and every access.

I'd call this not a matter of "the police will check" but a matter of 
trustworthyness and social responsibility. I'm looking forward to see a 
possibility to blacklist keys in the PGP keyserver networks.

Also, I would really suggest to extend the typical upload-to-keyserver 
procedures to check if this is the initial upload and, if so, provide an 
unambiguous statement to the user that this is gonna be p publicationof his 
name, his e-mail-address(es) and possibly his photo and that this publication 
is prcatically unrevokable. This is not metioned in the upload forms and 
programs I know.


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