On 04/20/2012 04:32 AM, Sebastian Urbach wrote:
> Just for everyone who depends on a debian sks package. I complained to
> the the debian project about Christoph Martin (Main Debian SKS
> developer) and im also trying to get him removed from that position as
> well.

This is unlikely to get the results you want.  The best way to remove
someone from a maintainer position is without fuss and without making a
scene: all other options produce ill-will and forks.

I would suggest instead putting together your own SKS package for
Debian, and seeing if you can get keyserver operators to use it.  Once
you have a 1.1.3 .deb packaged, debugged and with good support from the
community, you'll have much more leverage to push for a change in
maintainership, and there will likely be a lot less drama.

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