Am Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:51:32 +0100
schrieb Jonathan Wiltshire <>:


> Where? I have not seen this complaint.

Sorry, how could i forget the red tape. Will do so.

> > He wrote to me personally that there will be no new SKS debian 
> > package
> > and that is simply not acceptable for the most common Linux server
> > Distribution.
> Again, is this discussion public anywhere?

Again with the red tape. I wrote "personally" and what can that
possibly mean ? Hmmmm. But if you need to have it floating around
everywhere im pleased to do so.

> > He gave me that statement when i asked him regarding the 1.1.2 
> > version
> > and it seems that nothing has changed since then. Seems to be the 
> > case
> > that we are also not going to see a 1.1.3 package.
> That remains to be seen. With my Debian Developer's hat on there are 
> many ways we can resolve this, please don't be aggressive towards the 
> maintainer until the position is clearer. I will try and find time to 
> look into this.

"There will be no new version"

Somehow i think it's not going to be much clearer than that. Please
feel free to look into this.

Just if i thought it couldn't get worse. I received this from Fabio di
Nitto (Also listed as "maintainer") for the sks-package.

>Sorry but i haven´t done any work in Debian for years now. It´s very
>unlikely i will ever start again.
>Based on the changelog i can see Daniel Kahn Gillmor (in CC) has been
>fixing a bug. Maybe he would like to take it over.

I really dont know what to say anymore.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely

Sebastian Urbach

Religion is something left over from the infancy of
our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt
reason and science as our guidelines.

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970),
British philosopher, logician, mathematician,
historian, and social critic.

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