On May 27, 2012, at 9:30 PM, David Benfell wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 05/27/2012 05:17 PM, John Marshall wrote:
>> What warrant do we have for applying any filtering at the servers
>> at all? If the "problem" is one robo-signer, wouldn't it make sense
>> to talk to its minders?
> I finally followed the URL posted at the beginning of this thread:
> http://keyserver.kjsl.org:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xd5920e937cc1e39b&op=vindex
> It looks like this key gets re-signed every two weeks or so.


> I notice in a couple places in this thread, people are wondering why.
> Count me in with that group. Perhaps I'm just lacking imagination, but
> John Marshall's advice here seems appropriate.
> But then I also have to ask, how big a problem is this really? Is this

Dunno. But integrate out a decade or so: it WILL be a problem eventually.

> a common practice? How much space is this kind of thing taking out of
> all the certificates (many ancient, many--including some of
> mine--never properly revoked) we're currently lugging around?

Sure there's lots of other issues. E.g. I'm sure some clever dweeb is already
distributing p0rn ion photo id's: too easy to do.

73 de Jeff

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