Just saying...

...the person who created that key has finally started a long overdue
process. They are likely reading this as well, so: Thank you. This could
otherwise have ended much worse.

To the other readers, but only to those of them who do not agree with the
following sentences: Please avoid trying to fix symptoms. Go for the root
issue, even if it hurts. Don't deny that it does; the whole design of what
you have been taking for granted when you learned about PGP needs to be
fundamentally rewritten. Until that has happened, I personally believe that
every (!) key server administrator should shut down their keyservers, with
no exception.

Users, especially commercial ones, are very welcome to notice the impact of
the sudden lack of a convenient, free service provided as a voluntary
donation by people who are risking their freedom and risking going to jail,
on the users' daily work. Users are very welcome to finally notice the
problem as well, and users are very welcome to contribute suggestions and
code to the further fixing of the fundamentally flawed keyserver network

My personal suggestion: Complete pool shutdown until the underlying problem
is completely fixed. If it can't be fixed, keep the pool offline. It has
been a good, happy time, and one of the next steps can (doesn't have to!)
be realizing that it has irrevocably reached its end.

PGP works without keyservers, by the way. It can't be bad for users to
finally learn how.

Best regards
Tobias Frei
Sks-devel mailing list

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