On 1/29/19 12:56 PM, Kiss Gabor (Bitman) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> It is funny but one of my peer partners did not notice that his server
> is dead since a few months. :-)
> So I just show anyone who is interested in it how a simple but effective
> cron job warns me if my server is not OK:
> 42 5-8,15-20 * * *   test "$(curl -s 
> https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ks-status-json.php?server=keys.niif.hu | jq 
> '[.IPv6, .Port80, .Last_status]' | tee /tmp/sksstatus | md5sum)" = 
> 'f2a95d496447b4bd81314f4a550a247c  -' || ( echo 'Something went 
> wrong:\\nhttps://sks-keyservers.net/status/' ; cat /tmp/sksstatus)
> Of course hostname and actual MD5 sum value must be tailored
> according to checked fields of JSON output from curl.
> Cheers
> Gabor
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I use UptimeRobot.com with a keyword check once an hour.  URL:
and Keyword: "Last_status":"OK"


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