FYI - that site generates an untrusted ssl certificate warning and after 
acknowledging that I get an error that the site couldn't be found on dreamboat. 

Sent from the Fleishphone

> On Feb 6, 2019, at 19:15, Gunnar Wolf <> wrote:
> Kiss Gabor (Bitman) dijo [Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 07:56:32PM +0100]:
>> Hi folks,
>> It is funny but one of my peer partners did not notice that his server
>> is dead since a few months. :-)
>> So I just show anyone who is interested in it how a simple but effective
>> cron job warns me if my server is not OK:
>> 42 5-8,15-20 * * *   test "$(curl -s 
>> | 
>> jq '[.IPv6, .Port80, .Last_status]' | tee /tmp/sksstatus | md5sum)" = 
>> 'f2a95d496447b4bd81314f4a550a247c  -' || ( echo 'Something went 
>> wrong:\\n' ; cat /tmp/sksstatus)
>> Of course hostname and actual MD5 sum value must be tailored
>> according to checked fields of JSON output from curl.
> FWIW, I have been playing with some data that might be connectable to
> this. I did not *yet* intend to go public with this information, but
> it might help use cases as yours:
> Give me a couple of days and I'll share more complete information. In
> the mean time, you can see where your server is as part of the mesh :-]
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