On Mon, 27 May 2019 13:30, kristian.fiskerstr...@sumptuouscapital.com

> requiring load-balanced setup with minimum of 3 nodes on modern hardware
> (e.g a node today requires a minimum of 8 GiB of RAM to be responsive
> during merge of certain keys). The propagation time between the servers

Which would support my point to redesign the keyservers to

 - Inhibit searches by user id.
 - Drop all key signatures except for self-signatures and designated

The first change will make Gnupg --search-keys useless and that command
could thus be changed to do a --locate-key with disabled local keyring.

The second requires that key-signatures must be send to the key owner
directly, which is anyway what most people do.  And obviously the key
owner needs to distribute them by other means than the keyservers to
make the few WoT users happy.

Right, this requires that self-signatures are verified on upload.



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