On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:55 -0500, "Robby Workman"
<rwork...@slackbuilds.org> wrote:
> As I promised several people privately, here's a list of things that we
> have not had time to check/update for 13.0 yet:
>   http://slackbuilds.org/NOT_CHECKED
> If you maintain one of these and would like to see it in the initial
> repo for 13.0, or if you use one of them and would like to "step up"
> and handle any needed changes, now is your chance.  I can't promise
> that we'll be able to merge in all of the changes we get, even if
> they are fixed, but we'll do our best.  
> As things are merged into the 13.0 repo (which is still private,
> and will be until 13.0 is released), we'll update the listing above,
> so be sure to refresh that before replying.
> Fixes should come in as replies to this mail, with a complete tarball
> attached (just as if you were submitting it on the website - no source
> code of the app should be included).
> -RW

Here are some of mine.
All that were in the list besides dzen2 which needs custom LDFLAGS
I also left out the neutral cursor theme as it doesn't require any

colordiff wasn't on the list but changed ARCH to noarch since its just
sh & perl scripts
gtk-engines version bump and x86_64 compliance
leafpad x86_64 compliance
mktorrent changed homepage
tig x86_64 compliance

All have been tested only on x86_64 but should be fine on i486 as well.


Attachment: colordiff.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: gtk-engines.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: leafpad.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: mktorrent.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: tig.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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