On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 09:58:06 +0600
"Murat D. Kadirov" <bander...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 15.06.2010 09:21, Erik Hanson wrote:
> > On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 23:32:18 -0300
> > Bruno Tadeu Russo<cont...@brunorusso.eti.br>  wrote:
> >
> >    
> >> I am available on my web site packages ready for 64bit
> >>
> >> http://www.brunorusso.eti.br/pacotes/NetworkManager/
> >>      
> > Please don't use the _SBo tag when hosting packages.
> >
> > You can easily change this when compiling via:
> > TAG=_something_else ./prgnam.SlackBuild
> >
> >    
> I apologize for intruding. How can I remove this tag without
> editing SlackBild? I tried to run the script like below, but without
> result.
> TAG=" " ./opera.SlackBuild
> [...]
> ERROR:  Package extension .10-x86_64-1 is not supported.

TAG="" ./opera.SlackBuild

Erik Hanson

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