On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 14:40:59 +1000
Kevin Pulo <k...@pulo.com.au> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:17:30AM +0600, Murat D. Kadirov wrote:
> > On 15.06.2010 10:09, Erik Hanson wrote:
> >> On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 09:58:06 +0600
> >> "Murat D. Kadirov"<bander...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >>
> >>> I apologize for intruding. How can I remove this tag without
> >>> editing SlackBild? I tried to run the script like below, but
> >>> without result.
> >>>
> >>> TAG=" " ./opera.SlackBuild
> >>> [...]
> >>> ERROR:  Package extension .10-x86_64-1 is not supported.
> >>>      
> >> TAG="" ./opera.SlackBuild
> >>    
> > Hmm .. so I also tried. It does not help:
> >
> > [...]
> > Slackware package / tmp/opera-10.10-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz created.
> Looks like for $TAG, the template would be better as
> TAG=${TAG-_SBo}
> so as to allow the TAG to be empty.

Perhaps, but then, packages without build tags are presumed to
be official packages (even if there's no official statement of
that anywhere), so it's far better for the builder to specify
an alternate TAG value.  


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