On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Patrick J. Volkerding <
volke...@slackware.com> wrote:

> On 06/16/2011 04:09 PM, David Spencer wrote:
>> 2) Google Earth 6 is "LSB compliant" meaning it was built on a LSB system.
>>    Slackware however does not have that symlink which is part of the LSB
>> 3.0
>>    specification. You'll need to create the symlink manually after
>> installing
>>    the package:
>>             ln -sf /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /lib/ld-lsb.so.3
>> Yes, it's the Google Earth team being silly.
>> -D.
> Something important finally used the LSD, I mean LSB, and it only took 15
> years!
> Is there a list of the usual silly symlinks, or is this the only one that
> anything is likely to use so far?  I mean, as long as there's no matching
> .so it would be used at runtime only, so I don't see any obvious harm in
> supplying those in Slackware.
> -P.
Well, all I know about LSB is a few seconds or skimming the wikipedia
article.  Since only a symlink was required, that sorta indicate Slackware
is "LSB compatible" in terms of GoogleEarth.  Heck, if it doesn't bother our
Great Guru...

>On a more serious note: I agree the link is almost armless but I don't
think install scripts
>should start messing around with other packages' files. Especially with
glibc stuff.

Er, from what little I can understand, glibc is LSB compliant. So what's the
issue? There was some talk on Gentoo, Debian and elsewhere about LSB symlink
post install packages  (
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=355959) and sift through

 ... but I tire easily and the beer won't drink itself....

The point I was trying to make was that the package built via SBo should
work like any package native to Slackware. You run the script, installpkg,
run it. If you need to do "tweaking" of symlinks, that should be set up via
the package. Sometimes some post installation configuring is needed but that
is not this case.

And while its fun to make fun of anyone, esp Rich Shepard ;-) I repeat, why
the heck not put the symlink in doinst.sh if it doesn't bother and Slackware
libs etc.?

Dammit....I burnt the pork chops during this !!!! rant !!!!   Slackware
SUCKS!!!!  =:0

You! What PLANET is this!
    -- McCoy, "The City on the Edge of Forever", stardate 3134.0
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