On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 18:02:04 +0200, Mario wrote:
> I know its not the usual way, but if someone needs a bit better
> postgresql script, here it is:
> Patch against 14.0 SB:
> http://mirror.slackverse.org/slackbuilds/fixed/postgresql.diff
> Whole package:
> http://mirror.slackverse.org/slackbuilds/fixed/postgresql.tar.gz
> If author does not mind, I could aswell take this one over, seeing
> how last update was last year(?), and postgres is such a nice
> database.

9.1.4 was released 2012-06-04[*], so the script was updated quite
recently.  Besides, there's no need to update it for every minor
release, cause usually it's a simple version bump.  And 9.2 happened
while submissions to SBo were closed.

[*] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1-4.html

And yes, Postgres is simply awesome.  Even though I've been using it for
a few years, only this year I really began to learn about (some of) its
tremendous features.

> This script comes with the ability to update old version database,
> which previous SB did not do successfuly, mainly due to missing
> "pg_upgrade_support" module.

I have already informed Adis about it a couple of weeks ago (when I
encountered this myself while trying to upgrade to 9.2), and he replied
that pg_upgrade_support will be included on the next script update.

Audrius Kažukauskas

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