On Mon, 11 Dec 2023 05:24:48 -0500 (EST), B. Watson wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Dec 2023, David Chmelik wrote:
>> I have updated the old KDE image viewer (simple/minimalist)
>> kuickshow.SlackBuild for testing.
> You probably can update kuickshow without having to have a cmake-extras
> package, if your script manually sets some -D<blah>
> variables on the cmake command line.
> Also. Have you addressed these issues, found by sbopkglint?

Still learning sbo-maintainer-tools.  Will address these before I formally 
upload.  All below failed tests are about stuff in the source code file 
itself.  Should I fix these in script and/or graphics editor, or contact/
bug-report KDE?
> Using tests from /home/urchlay/sbo-maintainer-tools/sbopkglint.d
> Exploding /tmp/kuickshow-20220618_a9c29cc-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz to
> /tmp/SBo/sbopkglint.JHkxoo ...OK Running pre-doinst test...OK Installing
> /tmp/kuickshow-20220618_a9c29cc-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz to
> /tmp/SBo/sbopkglint.JHkxoo ...OK Running test: 05-basic-sanity...
> --- usr/share/applications should not contain files with executable
> permission:
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4027 Jun 17  2022
> usr/share/applications/org.kde.kuickshow.desktop FAILED Running test:
> 10-docs...OK Running test: 15-noarch...OK Running test: 20-arch...OK
> Running test: 25-lafiles...OK Running test: 30-manpages...OK Running
> test: 35-desktop...
> --- bad permissions/owner on .desktop files (should be 0644 root:root):
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4027 Jun 17  2022
> usr/share/applications/org.kde.kuickshow.desktop FAILED Running test:
> 40-newconfig...OK Running test: 45-doinst...OK Running test: 50-icons...
> --- usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kuickshow.png: icon is 32x29, but
> is in a dir with 32x32 in the name. resize it, or rename the dir.
> --- usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kuickshow.png: icon is 16x14, but
> is in a dir with 16x16 in the name. resize it, or rename the dir.
> --- usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/kuickshow.png: icon is 22x20, but
> is in a dir with 22x22 in the name. resize it, or rename the dir.
> OK Running test: 60-usr_info...OK Running test: 65-python...OK Running
> test: 70-tmp_path...OK Running test: 75-static_libs...OK Running test:
> 80-fonts...OK Running test: 85-perl...OK !!!
> kuickshow-20220618_a9c29cc-x86_64-1_SBo.tgz: 2 failures

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