Btw, will unfit script just not run or will the objects they are in
actually become unrezzable making scripts unfixable even by the creators?

Stickman escreveu:
> Ping.
> The comfort or early warning I expect is that we're going to get
> better tools to see behind the scenes on scripts before the limits
> actually show up. My fear is that it's going to be right when midterms
> crop up and have a two week window to rewrite every script I've ever
> written.
> Can any Lindens on this project provide any information, or point us
> to a magical page on the wiki that explains this? Or, at the very
> least, give us a rough timetable so we know about what time is
> appropriate to begin our panicked search for information?
> Thanks much!
> Stickman
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Ziggy Puff <> wrote:
>> I was about to post a question on this as well - my wife heard about that
>> blog post (it's spreading pretty quickly among content creators, I think)
>> and so I took a look. I found some good info in 3 or 4 of Babbage Linden's
>> office hour chat logs. More details on the exact algorithms would be very
>> helpful. Some questions I had after going through the material I could find:
>> * Is each script 'charged' 16K/64K, or just what it's using? Is the check
>> made on rez / parcel change, or periodically? Maybe this is a meaningless
>> question, but I thought Mono scripts could scale their memory footprint up
>> and down, in which case a script could have a small footprint when it's
>> rezzed.
>> * Avatar / attachment pool vs. parcel pool - if an av's pool runs out, does
>> an attachment try to take memory from the parcel pool?
>> * The GUI support for reporting script memory usage - will it show the
>> footprint of individual objects, like the 'Top Scripts' window? How about
>> individual attachments? I imagine the last object that would go over the
>> threshold will be the one that's not allowed to rez, but that probably won't
>> be the least efficiently scripted item the person is wearing.
>> Ziggy
>> Stickman wrote:
>>> I don't know what the official name is, but it's either Parcel Limits,
>>> Script Limits, or Memory Limits.
>>> It's been a while since I've heard any official word about it. Last I
>>> did hear, LL was gathering statistics and didn't know exactly how they
>>> were going to implement it, let alone what the limits would be.
>>> Has LL made any decisions, and would they be willing to share them?
>>> More minds on the issue can spot any holes or problems that could
>>> arise, and there's still some rumbling panic among the masses that
>>> can't be confirmed or quelled since we don't know how it'll work.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Stickman
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