On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 10:36:26AM -0500, Jesse Barnett wrote:
> Normal use of scripts are not affected. Hair and shoes with several hundred
> scripts per avatar is what I am specifically referring to and should not be
> considered "normal use". Go back and look at Babbage's meeting minutes to see
> some of the outrageous script abuse going on.

Normal use WILL be affected, because before you see no limits
until the server actually runs out of memory.

Now you will be limited long long long before the server actually
runs out of memory, because the server has to keep like 90% of
memory "in reserve" to serve the worst case of a full load on
all parcels happening and suddenly the maximum number of avatars

The mantra "Normal use of scripts are not affected" is a lie,
and it's easy to deduce why that must be the case. The way that
normal use of scripts would not be affected is when every server
will have 20 times more memory than they NEED on AVERAGE.
Last time I checked, LL was a business.

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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